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Walk-In Interview for Faculty Positions


Rajendra University, Balangir, is conducting a walk-in interview for temporary faculty positions. This recruitment is aimed at engaging Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Guest Faculty for various departments on an honorarium basis.

Interview Details

  • Date of Interview: November 4, 2024
  • Reporting Time: 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
  • Venue: Hall No. 57, Rajendra University

Application Requirements

Candidates are requested to bring original documents and two sets of photocopies of the following:

  • Academic certificates and mark sheets
  • Experience certificates
  • Updated resume (format available on the university website www.rajendrauniversity.ac.in)


Departments and Positions Available

The university is seeking to fill teaching positions across multiple departments as shown in the table below:


Positions Available


Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty


Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty

Computer Science

Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty


Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty


Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty


Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, Guest Faculty


Eligibility and Selection Criteria

Eligibility Requirements
Faculty positions are open to candidates with qualifications and experience as per UGC guidelines. Both retired professors and qualified guest faculty members are encouraged to apply. Candidates with a Ph.D. degree are preferred for postgraduate teaching roles.

Selection Process
Candidates will be selected based on:

  1. Academic Qualifications: UGC compliance.
  2. Experience: Relevant teaching and/or research experience.
  3. Demonstration Class: Required for Assistant Professors/Guest Faculty.
  4. Interview: Final selection based on interview performance.


Marks Available

Applicable Position

Academic Qualification (M.Phil/Ph.D.)

Up to 20

All Faculty Positions

Research Publication

Up to 10

All Faculty Positions

Teaching Experience

Up to 10

Professors and Associate Professors only

Demonstration Class (10 minutes)

Up to 40

Assistant Professors/Guest Faculty

Interview (Viva Voce)

Up to 20

All Faculty Positions



Selected faculty members will receive honorarium according to the guidelines outlined below:


Honorarium per Class

Monthly Cap



Rs. 1,000

Rs. 60,000

35+ classes/month; guidance in research and administrative roles required.

Associate Professor

Rs. 750

Rs. 45,000

35+ classes/month; research guidance expected.

Assistant Professor (Ph.D.)

Rs. 500

Rs. 30,000

For postgraduate courses only.

Guest Faculty (without Ph.D.)

Standard as per norms


For undergraduate/postgraduate courses.

Note: Additional classes (above 40/month) may require administrative responsibilities as per university assignments.


General Instructions

  1. Authenticity of Information: Candidates must ensure all submitted information and documentation are correct and complete.
  2. Amendments: The university reserves the right to amend or cancel any post without prior notice.
  3. Selection Validity: Selected candidates may have their engagement reviewed periodically and continued based on performance.

For further details, candidates are advised to visit the university website www.rajendrauniversity.ac.in.

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